Purple & Green

(someone please tell me what kind of flowers these are - lupins?)


L."Wren" Vandever said…
Yep, you got it, Lene. Those are lupins, which just happen to be my most favority wildflower in the world. Your photo is gorgeous!
MissDazey said…
Lene, thank-you for this picture. I just finished reading a book and lupins were mentioned several times. I had meant to look them up. Aren't they a lovely flower.
Liz Miller said…
Miss Dazey, was it Something in the Water?
KMH said…
Those look more like sage flowers from what I can see of them. Lupin leaves are very distinctive: they are a whorl of long slender leaves.
LynnM said…
They don't look like lupins. Salvia? (Just checking. That would be common sage so I agree with KMH.)
Leslie said…
Yes, those are lupins, and a beutiful shot too! Had to tell you that I received my book - Our Hands Can! And the book is lovely! I was touched by the stories and the the photos were beautiful. You and your friends did a great job!
k said…
Earin Marybird said…
Salvia. The leaves would cinch it but lupin don't have the scalloped edges and the stamen sticking out.
WOW said…
Through me the past few days to study the martial art monks and cohesion of the essence, I found the monks like barbarians as resorted infinite attack skills are.

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