Book Review: The Newsflesh Trilogy
I don’t like zombies. In terms of the traditional trifecta
of transformative supernaturals, give me vampires or werewolves any day for an
interesting story with plenty of potential for goosebumps. Zombies, on the
other hand, aren't particularly scary. Primarily just gross. I mean, how truly
frightening can it be to have somebody shambling after you, moaning quietly
while leaving a trail of extraneous linbs? Creepy, yes. Hide-behind-your-pillows
kind of scary? Not really. The only zombie movies I've ever watched and enjoyed
are Shaun of the Dead and 28 Days Later . I tried watching The Walking Dead ,
that critically and popularly acclaimed series, but after two episodes decided
that I had too many other options for entertainment that I might actually
Which is to say that I don't exactly know how I ended up
buying Feed , the first book in the Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant, which is
supposedly zombie novel, but nonetheless, there I was. Very shortly thereafter,
I bought the second book (Deadline ) and then I waited impatiently for the
third. Having just finished reading Blackout , I feel compelled to share my
In the not-too-distant future - in fact, I think it was 2014
- researchers have found a cure for the common cold. There is also work in
using a virus to combat cancer. After an unscrupulous journalists puts out a
rather questionable story, a small group breaks into a lab and sets the virus
free. And creates havoc. Because one virus hitches a ride on the other and
before you know it, any mammal over the weight of about a four-year-old as a
potential for zombification. Or rather, amplification, because that's what it's
called when the virus – now called Kellis-Amberlee - gets triggered. Enter the
post-apocalyptic world of the US
in the year 2040, which is where the books take place. Blood test devices are
everywhere, requiring people to test clean for Kellis-Amberlee before they can
into their home, office buildings, hotels, hospitals and busses, as well as
undergo random blood tests at intersections and gas stations. It's a very
different world, one where no one has a pet much larger than a cat, people are
living in abject fear and always on the lookout for zombies. Outbreaks happen
all the time, requiring the CDC to swoop in to cleanse in the area (which
involves bombs and subsequent massive use of bleach). Everyone's hair is
streaked blonde because of frequent anti-contamination procedures (lots of
bleach again) and the level of paranoia is quite high.
Shaun and Georgia Mason are the adopted children of the
Masons, the first of a new breed of journalists reporting through their blogs.
Shaun and Georgia
run After The End Times, a news organization that has several departments: the
Newsies (reporters), the Irwins (who poke dead things with sticks while recording
themselves for the entertainment of the masses) and the Fictionals, who is a
name suggests, write fiction and poetry. After The End Times gets the
opportunity to be the official bloggers of the Ryman presidential campaign and
this is when the story takes off. I'm not going to say any more about the
specifics because that might ruin the story.
So, yes. There are zombies, but I wouldn't exactly call
these books zombie novels. If, on the other hand, you are fascinated by
virology, journalism, politics and enjoy a good conspiracy theory, these are
the books for you. Are they perfect? Well… I would've suggested another edit - hearing
them read aloud on an audio book makes it clear that the writing occasionally
could have a lighter touch. But that's quibbling. The story is good. Really
good. It moves along at breakneck speed, surprising you, moving you,
infuriating you and often causing you to bite your nails while you wait for
someone to test clear or get out of that situation with zombies. I had a blast
reading this series.
On the one hand, it's perfect summertime reading because
it's an action movie in print. On the other hand, it also makes you think.
About politics, about what researchers are up to, about the potential for
catastrophe in virology and about how far you would go for your ethics. That
last one is important – it’s the overarching theme of the trilogy. Journalistic
ethics, political ethics, scientific ethics and the circumstances that test your
commitment to the beliefs by which you live and work. There is much food for
thought in these books and a lot of fun, too.
Post holocaust books (whatever the holocaust may be) have always appealed to me. With this series I was dubious at the start of the first book but became more and more interested until I was thoroughly hooked.
I am requesting the first Mira Grant book from the library
I liked feed for the way it focused on messed up parental relationships, sibling relationships and community, in fact almost anything except zombies, which were simply part of a background alternative america.