
Showing posts from 2017

In Which I Ask Santa for Help with Facebook and Instagram Blocks

Dear Santa, Iā€™m writing to you in the hope that you can help me. For the last six months, I have wanted nothing more than for the mistake that has led to Facebook designating my website as spam to be solved and for my site to be cleared.  After emailing Facebook many times, my Blogger site (this one) was finally cleared in November. As Iā€™m sure you can imagine, this made me very happy, because I can now share my writing on Facebook again. Iā€™m really grateful and thoroughly enjoy being able to have invigorating and supportive discussions with the over 900 people who follow me on Facebook . I know you have an audience of billions, so 900 people might not seem like a lot to you, but I love every one of them. The reason Iā€™m writing to you is that the problem is not fully solved. You see, when my Blogger site was blocked, so was my custom domain The Seated View DOT com. It points to my Blogger site, so itā€™s not spam either. After blogging here for close to 13 ye...

Chronic Christmas Giveaway #4: Your Choice - WINNER!

Before I get to todayā€™s winner, just a reminder to Terri B. and Momzilla to contact me at leneATyourlifewithraDOTcom ā€” you won a Loopy Case. Please contact me by 6 PM on December 31, 2017. I donā€™t hear from you, Iā€™ll have to pick other winners for the third giveaway . It was great to see I'm not the only one who wanted one of my calendars and a mug. Thanks to everyone who entered! The winner is: Deb who said ā€œStill doing last minute shopping....wrapping like crazy...My kitchen is a mess with packages everywhere! It will all get done as it always does!! Merry Christmas Everyone!.ā€ Congratulations Deb! Contact me at leneATyourlifewithraDOTcom and let me know which calendar and mug you'd like. Don't forget to include your mailing address! On a personal note, I had plans to write more for this week but my body has informed me that itā€™s time to rest. Wishing you a safe and happy new year ā€” see you in 2018!   

Chronic Christmas Giveaway #4: Your Choice

And so, we come to the end of this yearā€™s Advent giveaways. Throughout the year your comments, thoughts, jokes, and support means so very much to me. It has been wonderful to be able to give something back to you. For the fourth Chronic Christmas Giveaway, the winner will enjoy two things that will hopefully make 2018 better. One will help you keep your life organized so you feel less overwhelmed. And second, often, a bit of downtime starts with a cup of something hot ā€” the other will help you transition into the Christmas habit of hygge into a year-long way of taking care of yourself.  The person who wins with get their choice of one of the five calendars I created for this year , as well as their choice of a Chronic Christmas mug or a Your Life with RA mug . To enter, leave a comment on this post. Say whatever you want ā€” are ready for the holidays? Whatā€™s your favourite Christmas cookie? What are your wishes for 2018? And if any of those seem too complic...