50, Sarah and Miss Piggy
For the last 30 years, I've battled against the prevailing North American belief that Copenhagen is the capital of Holland and that coming from Denmark makes me Dutch. However, thanks to Marianna, I will today claim some kinship with that other small Northern European nation.
Because today is what the Dutch would call my Sarah Birthday. It boggles my mind that I can claim that many trips around the sun, but the idea of it representing the gaining of wisdom makes it something to be happy about.
This weekend we celebrated with a lovely party and more photos will be forthcoming. Later in the week. Today, I plan to do nothing. Maybe Nothing. But I'll leave you with a photo of me and the singing telegram organized by my family and friends. Nothing at all like the Miss Piggy they'd expected, but that just made it even more fun.
Bummer about the buskerinconvenience during your festivities week. Much joy and happiness.
So, in lieu of singing, I'll wish you a best ever year!
Happy Sarah Birthday!