
Showing posts from December, 2005

New Year's Non-Resolution

Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about New Yearā€™s lately ā€“ how can you not? Itā€™s everywhere: every form of media doing ā€œbest of the yearā€ stories and ā€œwhatā€™s your resolutionsā€ interviews, restaurants trying to entice you in with three-course meals ā€œand champagne at midnight!ā€. I find myself reflexively assessing the past year for things that arenā€™t right, that I can fix with a resolution or two, but this year, Iā€™m having a hard time weighing my life and finding it wanting. Which is after all what resolutions are about, isnā€™t it? You decide that some part of you needs ā€œfixingā€, think about the things that are supposed to make you a ā€œbetter personā€ - lose weight, get fit, clean your house, quit smoking ā€“ but it never really works out, does it? By mid-January, weā€™re all back on the couch in front of the TV in a messy livingroom, lit cigarette in hand. Sometimes, I think resolutions are made for breaking. This year, Iā€™m skipping the quick-fix and the surface renovation. Iā€™m going o...

Hopped Up on Christmas Cheer

Yes, I'm still shirking my posting duties... gettin' by with minimal... revelling in being lazy. And calling it all "sharing". Herewith some images from Christmas Eve. One of the pair of angels that used to belong to my farmor (father's mother). Only used once a year. The singing. In Danish. Honestly, it's not as hard as JP and Ken 's faces would have you believe. Although Ken has previously been known to hold forth about how Danes swallow half the syllables in every word, he's just... er... right. Michele likes her present (please note the very seasonal pants). Ken was nisse and really stoked about it. Yours truly, wearing knitted goodies (by Stephanie ). Yes, that's a pair of socks on my hands and a matchbook. It's now a tradition that I must pose as The Little Matchgirl (although I'm not sure she looked this gleeful). (that last one probably taken by Michele - it's all a little hazy)

TinkMama Speaks

For those of you who don't obsessively check the comment box (like I might do... sometimes... not all the time... just... er... nevermind), my darling sister left a lovely comment for all of you on Friday. Thought I'd get out of posting today (still enjoying the holidays way too much to really get into blogging), while making sure you got to read it. One more thing before I turn things over to my "guest blogger". I've been instructed by my mother that the recipe for ris a la mande I linked to on Friday will not result in the kind of ris a la mande she makes. But then, nothing comes close to that (hint: think lots of whipped cream, almonds and when you think you've addded enough Madeira, add some more). Pardon the weird white thingy in the post - apparently moving things from the comment box does weird things to the formatting. Thought I'd take this opportunity to first of all thank my Big Sis (Lene) for all the wonderful post s about Liam and Morgan. I...

Fucking with Tradition

My mother makes magic. I donā€™t know how she does it, but there is one guaranteed perfect evening a year in my life and thatā€™s the 24 th of December. I can be stressed out or tired or sick, unable to quite locate the spirit of Christmas and the minute I step into my motherā€™s home, there it is. Christmas. There are candles everywhere, some in candlesticks that are only used this one evening a year, decorations in red and white, the tree glowing in the livingroom, the floor beneath it carpeted with presents and there is the smell of the flaeskesteg (roast porkloin with crispy crackling). Immediately after that hits your nostrils, everyone greets you with a smile, a kiss and a ā€˜glaedelig jul!ā€ (merry Christmas) and you know all is good with the world. When it comes to Christmas, Iā€™m a bit of a traditionalist. Ok, so maybe more of a crazedā€¦ er, I mean, firm traditionalist. In my family, once weā€™ve done something twice, itā€™s tradition and at no time is fucking with traditi...

Winter Solstice


December Happies

Itā€™s that time of year. The time dominated by an impending holiday to celebrate peace, love and understanding. The time where preparing for said holiday tends to make us anything but peaceful, as we rush around in the snow and in crowded malls to get ready for the Big Day. Did you just groan? Did you just start twitching with the knowledge of how much still remains to be done? Have you considered calling your boss with claims of being ill with the plague, just so you could have more time? A month ago , I reminded myself that happiness comes in small packages, by paying attention and not losing yourself in what isnā€™t there. Today, five days before lift-off ā€“ four if you, like the Danes, celebrate on Christmas Eve, thatā€™s getting difficult. Iā€™m fairly on track this year, but am still having a hard time focusing on the good stuff, instead of the list of things still to do. Which made me think that perhaps a List of Happies ought to be a regular feature here, not just beca...

Playing Hooky

This was how last night looked. I'm taking a snowday, playing hooky, being irresponsible and in general doing nothing today. Have a fantabulous weekend - I'll see you Monday(ish).

Terrible Beauty

Stephanieā€™s launch last week was held at the Textile Museum of Canada and they had kindly opened the exhibits for wandering after the Harlot spoke. Sam grabbed me and told me I must see ā€œthe bug roomā€, so off we went to see what turned out to be an installation by Jennifer Angus called Terrible Beauty . I was told that it is a look inside the mind of a Victorian collector* - of bugs specifically. Rooms flow into each other, each containing a small table with an old, wooden drawer-thingy filled with bugs. But the real collection is on the walls: designs made up of thousands of insects. And it was terrible and beautiful, both. Terrible because of the bugs and not just the conditioned ick-factor (although some were alarmingly huge). One of the staff told us that they were insects farmed for this particular purchase ā€“ either thereā€™s an explosion of bug-related art or she meant collecting in general. It hit the same button in me as fur does ā€“ I find it morally reprehensibl...

Lists and Lists and It

I went to the launch of the Harlotā€™s new book on Wednesday and had a grand time. Who knew a group of knitters could be that much fun? Well, I did, actually, but for the non-knitters among you, trust me: if you want to hang with people who make you laugh like an idiot, go find yourself some knitters. Naturally, I wasnā€™t with it enough to get a picture of The Star of the Evening (thatā€™d not be you, Stephanie, thatā€™d be the Pierce Brosnan wrap ), but I did get one of Stephā€™s lovely daughters Sam, Amanda and Megan: Steph read ā€œItā€ from her book, a damn funny story of a woman who slowly loses her grip on reality in the face of a mountain of Christmas knitting, It being a state of utter deranged denial. Completely fictional, of course. (oh, I could tell you storiesā€¦ ) It reminded me of my own current predicament. Itā€™s not that Iā€™ve lost my mind ā€“ yet. Itā€™s more that I feel things slipping a smidge. Iā€™d been a hermit for a while and when I came back out of the cave, rather ...

All of the Other Reindeer


All Tinks, All the Time

Thank you so much for all your comments and congratulations. Weā€™re overwhelmed with the love coming the Tinksā€™ way from all over the world. And speaking of loveā€¦ I knew I fell madly in love with my niece and nephew the first time I saw the raisin-sized shapes on my television. What has taken me utterly by surprise is how much that feeling was magnified once they were out. For a while, I wondered how parents do it. These arenā€™t my children and Iā€™m reeling, so how do parents function with that overwhelming amount of love always there ? I talked to a few people and realized that when it feels like itā€™s spilling over, itā€™s actually your heart growing another size. Iā€™ve been verklempt for days and I havenā€™t even held them yet. I fully anticipate dissolving once I do so. Iā€™m also trying really hard to accept that I am a mere moster and doing really well, I think, with not insisting that Janne and John move in with me and bring the kidlings. My heart thinks that would b...