10 Ways Naturopathy Can Help Your RA

I've been using alternative treatments to treat my RA (or at least the symptoms) since I was a child. I grew up in a time when there were no treatments, so I tried a lot of different things to make life easier. A lot of them worked. One especially valuable tool for me is naturopathy. In my new slideshow for HealthCentral, I share ways that a naturopathic doctor can help you live better with the condition. And I got to interview my own naturopath for the piece!

Living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be a daily challenge requiring a variety of treatments and techniques to cope with pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. Many people with this condition supplement their medical care with alternative and complementary therapies. Increasingly, this includes naturopathy, a form of alternative medicine."

See the tips for and how naturopathy can help RA on HealthCentral.



Rick Phillips said…
Interesting that at ACR a well-respected doctor reported his feeling that acupuncture is one of the best things (along with vitamin D that we can do to keep our immune system in check. Who knew? LOL

ahh, you did.

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