Colorblind Teens Experience a World of Color Through Color Correcting Glasses

Have you ever wondered how people who are colour deficient* see the world? And what happens if they try colour correcting glasses ? I didn't know about colour correcting glasses until I had the opportunity to talk to a scientist whose research led to the development of this technology. And then I got to interview two completely charming teens who are red-gree colour deficient: "Ryan and Garrett Allardyce are 16-year-old identical twins who live in Toronto. They are active teens involved in drama and baseball — and Garrett has his own YouTube channel . They are both colorblind, or as it is more accurately known, red-green color vision deficient (CVD) . In explaining the condition, their optometrist said to think of their eyes as having paint cans where some of the cans aren’t quite full, Andrew Allardyce, the twins’ father told me. Although this is not a technical description, it explains how they don’t experience t...