One of my favourite things about summer is Canada Day and the Redpath Waterfront Festival . And really, is there anything better than long weekends in the summer? Well, Christmas arguably, but it requires wearing more clothes. And no, I’m not tromping about naked, but there are no socks and no sweaters. Back to the Canada Day long weekend. This year, Canada officially turned 150 years old, so there was a lot going on in this beautiful country as we all celebrated. Toronto celebrated with a duck. Well, there was also multiple fireworks, parties, cake, and much more, but the thing everyone talked about was the duck. The six-story 300,000 pound rubber ducky in the harbour. But I get ahead of myself. The Canada Day weekend is also the weekend of the Redpath Waterfront Festival. It’s relatively new, but has already made its mark — at least with me. They started being with flyboarding , moved on to tall ships (including Vikings), and this year there wer...