Bliss, Redux

Three months ago, we went to see Cavalia's Odysseo and it was blissful . I claimed to be full, didn't need to go back again, but The Boy knew better. He'd occasionally drop a hint and finally, I knew, too. I couldn't let these beautiful horses leave without seeing them again. So we did. It kicked off the Birthday Weekend celebrations and as before, the level of bliss was out of this world. It's possible I was vibrating with excitement as with waited to go into the stables. because of course we were going to the stables. While we waited, four of the performers came out to chat and meet. The big difference this time was that the horses faced us and were willing to be touched. Notice the beauty on the right - I've named him Mr. Nuzzly (because I didn't catch his real name) and he'll return in a bit. Very friendly horse. I didn't name this one, but he had the softest nose I know this because I got to touch it Off we...