Random June

The 2010 Bulwer-Lytton contest results are in and two Canadians are represented . David Mitchell on why being reminded of your own ignorance is good for you , Ascot hats and the news that grumpy people make better decisions which I plan to snarl at the next person who accuses me of not being chipper enough on a Monday morning. Slurls or really awful website names, how to make your own butter (via dottedyellowline ) and the classic Danish tongue twister that'll tell you if you should even try to learn the language. To get political, an exploration of the billion dollar summit mystery and photos from Saturday's peaceful protest hijacked by a small group of idiots. And from Laurie , some excellent photos of what the protest message was all about before it got overshadowed by aforementioned idiots. Staying within the political, but moving towards ecological, there's so much I want to say about the oil spill, but I simply don't have the words. Instead, a link to w...