Random May

Don't click the red button ! Got this from my friend Daniel who delights in torturing me. Gotta say though, this was pretty fun torture. D id you know that rats laugh when you tickle them ? A new movie called Earth, coming in 2009 and I've got it in my calendar already. I don't know what I like best - the polar bear making shapes in the snow, the duckling throwing itself out of a tree, the cloud of flamingo, but I do know that I want to see it. Preferably now. YouTube link here , but do yourself a favor and watch the high-def trailer here . A nother take on terrorism by James Pence. A flurry of cat links. First, sent to me by Lynn of the comments, the engineers guide to cats , which tell you as much about engineers as it does about cats . Second, also from Lynn , the Cat House on the Kings - that's putting your money where your mouth is. A nd last, found this article about how the ASPCA has developed a personality test for cats (and dogs, too). B...