2016: One Hell of a Year

Well, that;s been quite something, hasn’t it? 2016 was a year that had opinions about what should happen, made it so, and many of us didn’t like it. For one, it was, in the words of the Toronto Star, “ the year the music died .” David Bowie left us in early January and I’m still not over it. I’m also not over the loss of Alan Rickman, Prince, and Leonard Cohen, and the loss of Carrie Fisher i s still so raw . And that’s just the people who make the news when something bad happens to them. It seems as if everyone I knew were facing monumental challenges, as well. There’s been illness, worsening of conditions, intense pain, losses. So much it was about two steps forward and three – or 16 — steps back. We climbed mountains, all of us. I’ve talked about my mountain quite a bit here on the blog. Nine months ago, I got the flu and almost died, more than once . The Boy says he figures St. Michael’s Hospital saved my life three times over a two week period. That’s a ...