AWOL Blogger Reporting

Um… hi. Remember me? I know it’s been a while since you last heard from me and I apologize. The thing is, I’m taking August off to write the next Your Life with RA book (or at least part of it) and that’s required quite a bit of work to get ready. I could go into detail, but suffice to say it’s been a lot of writing (only 4 more days…). Well, that is when Lucy doesn’t insist on the cuddle. The Boy claims he pays her in Angus roast beef to make sure. I’ve started calling her The Enforcer. (as always, click photos to embiggen) There has been so much writing that a) there hasn't been time for anything else is; and b) my brain is empty at the end of the day. I have several topics that I intend to blog about, but not the energy to actually do it. So instead, I’ll let you know what I’ve been doing in the past two weeks that hasn’t involved writing. Because I have taken some time off here and there. As you may know, Toronto hosted the Pan Am Games and we ar...