Divisions in the RA Community, Part II: Making Room for Us All

Also posted on CreakyJoints “People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along?” - Rodney King A few weeks ago, I took to email and social media to ask about a certain undercurrent in the RA online community where people felt there wasn’t room for them. The stories I was told, from people feeling left out to being outright bullied and harassed, formed the basis for my first post on divisions in the RA community . In my second post, I will look whether we in the RA community can ever get along. On a personal level, it boggles my mind that we are vicious towards each other. It makes me angry, makes me want to defend those who are bullied. And I am so sad that the division in this community result in people being further isolated. We all have one overarching thing in common: RA. We understand each other on a more basic level than anyone else because we und...