Random January
Attempting gradual shift into normal with the monthly link-o-ramaā¦ Starting with a paragraph about being offended. A group in Nashville wants to censor Shakespeare and a school in southern California bansā¦. the dictionary?? And who is the filthy-minded adult who looked up the offending term? Some idiots are trying to create an all-white baseball league and there are Bible verses on combat weapons . I don't even know where to start with that. Next, it's all about cats. First, I love them - they have such confidence . They can also be gift wrapped (although I couldn't see Her Royal Catness assenting to that particular practice), like playing with household tools (sent to me by John/TinkPapa) and, sent to me by Jason, should probably not be translated or we'd all feel really stupid. The best viral videos of 2009 , which really ought to include this one of a man walking under the influence and failing miserably. Images from Google View in Canada , a story about l...