Helping Hands - Raisng Money for Show Us Your Hands!

You guys rock my world!

In the last two weeks of September, I held a fundraiser for Show Us Your Hands! For every copy of Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Tools for Managing Treatment, Side Effects and Pain sold, 50% of the royalties would go to this organization that I love so much. And a lot of you seem to love it, too.

I sold a lot of books in those two weeks. Perhaps not quite as many as my goal, which admittedly was shooting for the moon. But like they say… when you shoot for the moon, you fall amongst the stars.

And we did. In those two weeks, I sold a 54 copies of the paperback and e-book editions of Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Some people bought it for the first time, others bought copies for their rheumatologists, family and friends. Some people bought an e-book to keep their paperback edition company and for others, it was a paperback to keep their e-book edition from getting lonely.

All of you are wonderful human beings.

54 books means $108 for Show Us Your Hands! My mother contributed an extra $20 without buying any books and that takes us to $128. That seems a bit like an odd number, so I decided to round it up to $200.

Thanks to everyone who bought a book to support the cause from me, the Board of Directors of Show Us Your Hands! And Lucy.



Annette said…
That's such a nice shade of green on the cover. It must be satisfying to see them in a stack on your table. That was generous of you to round the donation up.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic Lene! Congratulations on your book again and on selling more copies. You are such a wonderful person to donate $200.00 to such a great cause as well. You rock Lene!!!
Stephen in FL said…
Congrats on the book! You're raising money and awareness for a really great cause with Show Us Your Hands. I don't think I have ever visited their site and been able to leave without a deepened sense of encouragement. Looks like Lucy really enjoys your book as well!

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