Being Human
For the past few weeks, I have been immersed in Being Human: The Complete First Season
a wonderful little British series about three roommates who happen to be a
vampire, werewolf, and a ghost. I’ve been nagging encouraging everyone I
know to watch this series, not just because of how good it is, but also because
I need to talk to people about it! I'm so delighted with having found this gem
that keeping my mouth shut about the details in order to not spoil it for
anyone is getting really, really hard. So. Go get it. You won’t regret it.
I love Being Human for many reasons, but mostly I think
because of the questions it asks. Such as: What makes you a human being? How
does human beings act and believe? What does it do to you when you do certain
things that are viewed as unacceptable? What does it do to you if you tolerate such
acts? How does it change you? Does it change you? What do you do to atone for
it? And this is not in the Christian sense of atoning for sins, but in a deeper,
humanistic understanding of right and wrong. The series tucks all these
questions into some really solid entertainment that allows you to ignore the
bigger questions if you so choose. Perfection.
But this post is not about Being Human, but more about being
human. It's come about because of my choice of entertainment when I finished
the third season of the British show and found that Netflix doesn't yet have
Season 4. After a few moments of grieving this, I set about finding my next bit
of Tb delight and settled on Damages: The Complete First Season
. I've heard much about its excellence and
know that Glenn Close is supposed to be amazing in it. So I queued it up and
found it to be terribly addictive, so much so that I've watched two or three
episodes a night.
And this is where it gets a little weird. Because I feel
Damages could not be more different from Being Human and
please forgive me, there might be a spoiler or two in the next few paragraphs.
The story is framed in a case against a billionaire named Arthur Frobisher who
allegedly bankrupted 5000 of his employees by some nefarious corporate
malfeasance. The employees have hired Patty Hewes (Glenn Close), a brilliant
and ruthless lawyer. Ellen, a newly minted lawyer, has been hired by Hewes’
firm and is working on the case.
It took me a while to get over what Glenn Close has allowed
a plastic surgeon to do to her face, but once I did, the story is fairly
compelling. It cuts back and forth between the present when Ellene is talking
to police about what happened before she discovered her fiancé murdered in
their bathtub and in the six months before that following the progress of the
case. And there is an astonishing amount of layers upon layers of duplicity and
manipulation by both sides, all in the name of winning this case. Patty Hewes
seems to be omniscient, always three steps ahead of everyone else and engages
in some rather interesting tactics to get people to testify. For instance, she
get someone to kill a dog, making it look as if it's done by the opponent so
it's owner will be motivated to testify against Frobisher. And that's just one
example. And this is all supposedly in the name of getting justice for 5000
employees who have lost all their savings.
And by the time I finished episode 7, I felt slimed. To the
point where I felt that continuing to watch this series would somehow condone
these actions. That accepting this as entertainment will somehow damage me.
Being Human is about people trying very, very hard to retain
their humanity while their instincts (werewolf and vampire) push for something
entirely different. Damages seems to be about people abandoning their humanity
and reveling in something that comes pretty close to evil, while claiming it’s
about justice. And maybe it's because I watched this two or three episodes a
night instead of one per week, but I started to feel as if continuing to watch
it means that I was tolerating or maybe even condoning this behavior and what
does that say about me?
Where do you draw the line? What is justifiable and what
isn't? I thought some more about this in relation to the Chick-A-fil craziness
that's currently going on. On Friday, I read this post on Jezebel, which points
out that fighting ant-gay bigotry with anti-fat bullying is just as bigoted and
hateful (not to mention besides the point). I got pushed even more on this in a
conversation on Facebook where a friend pointed out that the Jezebel post had
some antireligious bigotry in it. I read it again and thought two things.
First, that if someone uses their religion to be bigoted and
hateful whether in deciding who can rent an apartment or donating tons of money
to anti-gay organizations, I am entitled to vehemently disagree with them and
to point out that they are indeed a bigoted arse. And then I thought that the
anti-religion point of view was pretty well hidden in the Jezebel post. In
fact, I'm not sure that the post is against a particular religious view, but
rather opposed to actions made in the name of that religion. In short, our
discourse has changed and it now seems much more tolerable to be unfiltered and
uncivil in a debate and I wish that were no longer the case. But here's a
question: if certain statements qualify as hate speech, how tolerant should we
be of that? If certain actions qualify as discrimination, how tolerant should
we be of that?
Which brings me back to the questions asked in Being Human.
What does it do to our humanity if you discriminate or say hateful things to
others? What does it do to us when we tolerate such actions and statements? How
vehemently should you oppose it? Can you oppose it with love and kindness? Are
strong words or actions ever justified?
I don't have the answers, but I'm thinking about it. And this poem by George Eliot is keeping me company while I think.
(and I did finish Damages, although I'm pretty sure I won't go beyond Season 1)
I love watching science fiction, paranormal and urban fantasy shows, though.
Have you seen Lost Girl? I haven't watched it or Being Human yet but I am thinking about it(although i will definitely go for the UK rather than USA version of BH)
I love watching Warehouse 13, and was a HUGE Stargate SG1 fan (still am, really)
I fear that the "Us not Us" is hard wired into humans. So much of it seems based on fear. What do you thing?
I believe we CAN have objective, productive conversations on sensitive subjects without it becoming an 'ist' as I call them.
For example:
* Conversations about immigration can be purely about logistics and finite resources and nothing to do with race, colour or religion.
* Women seeking female only spaces in order to feel safe are neither sexist or man-haters.
* People who suggest that perhaps mainstream schools are not the most appropriate environment for all disabled children are not ableist. And disabled people like me who've been through the mainstream and 'special' school systems and agree with that point of view are not 'traitors to the cause'.
Sadly there are people who will gleefully hijack the moderate discourse, and make it about racism or sexism or ableism to further their own agenda. The sad thing is that when this happens it helps nobody.
If you want a thoroughly sensible take on the Chick-fil-A episode by a gay man, I highly recommend you scoot over to Fantastic Babblings on You Tube and hear what Phil has to say on the subject. I love Phil, he's awesome :).
And if you like 'Being Human' you might enjoy the 'Undead' series of books by Mary Janice Davidson. The ONLY 'Chick Lit' I can stand.