In Which I Get An Attitude Adjustment
It has been brought to my attention that I'm showing. No, not that kind of showing! What I'm showing is my mood. One friend mentioned that my online posting sseem to indicate I was frustrated with my limits and another friend asked me if I were okay, because - and I quote – I’d "been whining online." I can ignore one person mentioning it, but two? Stress on no stress, I appear to need an attitude adjustment. Therefore, I'm starting this week with a post about what makes me happy.
Allergies. Because it means that spring is here.
Watching TV with a purring Lucy on my lap.
Dinner on Boyfriend Weekends. One of my favourite meals and my only contribution is to enjoy it.
Eating dinner while it's still light out. It means winter is on its way out.
A good friend volunteering to do my taxes when I, as usual, hit a wall. I keep thinking that this year, I'll figure out how to do it myself, but I never do. Thankfully, I have backup.
Spending the weekend doing nothing I had to do, just meandering through the neighbourhood in the sunshine.
Noticing afterwards that for the first time in almost 7 months, my skin smelled like sunshine and fresh air.
Watching Examined Life and keep having to stop the DVD because it sparked deep and interesting conversation. Watch it
and stretch your mind.
These two
Having a terrific Writing Buddy. Thanks for making me a better writer.
Humira. Sometimes, I get lost in my life and The List and forget for a couple of days, but I can do that only because of Humira.
Watching Boston Rob play Survivor. A truly delightful experience.
Having friends who notice when I whine online and tell me so I can snap out of it.
Waking up each day with the kind of energy and low pain levels that means I can work hard enough to be stressed out.
What makes you happy?
I haven't written a blog entry since Christmas. So you always get points in my book just for actively blogging, even if it is whining.