Good Idea in Theory
It all started with Bridget Jones's Diary
Somebody got the idea to take Pride and
Prejudice and add some zombies by inserting period-appropriate bits and
dialogue about zombies. The idea is that
25 years or so before the book takes place, a strange plague hit England
creating Unmentionables (i.e., zombies) and these Unmentionables are fought by
men and women alike. In fact, the five Bennett sisters have spent several years
in China
learning the art of combat from a master and it seems that part of being an
accomplished young lady can include zombie fighting.
I'd seen it on Audible for a while - they
put it on the front page for a long time and I checked it out once or twice,
thinking it sounded sort of silly and I wasn't really sure if I wanted one of
my favourite books messed with to that degree. Then I saw a blog entry somewhere
linking to the book trailer - because apparently, now books have trailers, too
- of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters and I laughed and watched it more
than once. Thought it exceptionally funny, so I went and spent one of my
treasured credits on its predecessor.
And I've given it a good try, really I have.
I read for a while, wandered off, then decided to go back and give it a little
longer, give it some time to work its charms, because it seems to be very
popular. So popular that it's spawned (sorry) a sort of sequel. But I can't do
it. Because it turns out that there are
certain things that in my world should not be infected by silliness or complete
revision and Pride and Prejudice is one of those things. After almost 2 hours
of listening to it, I took it off my iPod muttering "just because you can,
doesn't mean you should" and if it had been a physical entity, I would
have followed Dorothy Parker's advice when she in a book review said "this
book should not be cast aside lightly, it should be hurled with great
I felt the same about The Little Mermaid
(go read it. It really is lovely). For as long as I can remember, The Little
Mermaid has been my favourite H.C. Andersen -
as he’s called in Denmark - story and come to think of it, my favourite
in the fairytale genre. And maybe it comes from being a kid who had chronic
pain - I guess I could identify with her when she changed into a human girl and
it felt as if she was walking on knives, but it was more than that. It was a
book about the power of love, about the sacrifices you are willing to make for
the person you love, up to and including giving up the ultimate for their
happiness, turning into seafoam rather than kill your beloved. It is a perfect
story and I have read it over and over and over again, crying each time at the
end, yet never wishing that it had a happy ending because it couldn't end any
other way.
And then Disney massacred it. I have been
foaming (again, sorry) at the mouth about this for years, ever since the
animated movie came out. Had it not been based on my favourite sacred test, I
might’ve enjoyed it, but it was. And became
a silly, frivolous, standard Disneyfied dreck where they live happily ever
after and aside from the fact that just because you can, doesn't mean you
should - you don't see people out there changing the Mona Lisa to a blonde, do
you? - I have problems with this continent's incessant insistence on keeping
children in a bubble, untouched by sadness or reality in general. Because I
think stories like The Little Mermaid - and The Story of a Mother (my second
favourite H.C. Andersen tale) - can help in teaching children about sadness in
a context that is safe. It's fiction, a story read to them by their parents and
hopefully discussed with their parents and it can help teach them what grief is
like, what love and sacrifice is about so that when the time comes that real
grief enters their lives, they have an idea of what it is and what happens when
you grieve. And that it is okay to be sad, because sometimes sad things happen,
but you can get through it. Instead, Disney (and the like) creates children
that grow up to be adolescents that grow up to be adults who have no idea how
to deal with sad things. How is this healthy?
However, that's a sidetrack. The main track
is just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Pride and Prejudice and
Zombies may have been a fantastic idea in theory - and to be honest, I think it
might actually make a pretty funny movie - but in reality, I hated it. Your mileage may vary.