#ChronicChristmas #2: Pace Yourself when Eating

Pace yourself with the goodies.

This is the season of chocolate, cookies, other baked goods, fudge, fruitcake (much-maligned, undeservedly), more chocolate, and let’s have a little drinkie-poo while we’re at it, shall we?

There’s nothing wrong with indulging — after all, there are lots of really yummy treats around this month and it would be a shame to miss out. But moderation is key. Instead of five pieces of chocolate, maybe stick to one (okay, two). Instead of four glasses of eggnog, have one per occasion and drink sparkling water for the rest of the evening. And so on.

This is not to help you stay thin through the holidays — I figure a little bit of extra padding will only help keep you warm this winter. Using moderation with the goodies is one way you can keep pain and other symptoms in check. Many people with chronic illness and chronic pain find that sugar and rich food can be triggers for flares. And who needs that?

What’s your favourite holiday treat?

#ChronicChristmas is an Advent calendar of tips for a sane holiday season with a chronic illness. Check back tomorrow for the next tip.


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