
I've been a bit absent this week — okay, a lot absent. As described on my Facebook page , I hurt my right hand this weekend. More specifically, the tendon in the knuckle of my right middle finger is having a massive conniption fit. It has been opined by "funny" people that perhaps I shouldn't Proffer the Penguin - thanks to Gaina, our new term for The Flipper - quite so much, but I don't think that's what did it. Regardless, this is what my hand currently looks like and it effectively prevents me from doing almost everything. Here's a story to keep you entertained while I sit still and heal. Last weekend (before the injury happened), The Boy and I went out to do a photo shoot with the paperback edition of Your Life with RA. Which has made me vaguely consider bringing a copy everywhere I go and doing a sort of ongoing Book Book travelogue. Yes? No? Anyway! On the way home, we passed my favourite clothing store — favourite becau...