Strategies for Surviving Celebrations (and Daily Life) with Chronic Illness

Chronic Christmas isn’t just for the holidays. Why am I banging on about that book again and well into January? There’s a very good reason. Namely that the strategies I described in Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays with a Chronic Illness can be used throughout the year to help you tackle tasks and celebrations with enough energy left over to enjoy your life. We all have energy-sucking events and tasks in our lives. They can range from doing routine household chores to planning a big celebration, such as a family party or a wedding. When you have a chronic illness, approaching any of them can feel overwhelming. Where do you start? Will you have enough energy to see the task through? It’s enough to make anyone hide under the covers. But you don’t have to. That is, you can hide under the covers if you wish, but that doesn’t get anything done. And more importantly, it keeps you from enjoying life. So why not take a look at the Chronic Christmas tips and strateg...