Chronic Resilience: An Interview with Danea Horn
I've had the opportunity to interview a terrific woman for who's written a book on stress and chronic illness. Lots of great tips and it's taught me a lot. I'm brewing another post. as a result, but that's for next week. "Chronic illness adds a unique kind of stress to your life that can be hard to adjust to. In her new book Chronic Resilience: 10 Sanity-Saving Tools for Women Coping with the Stress of Illness , Danea Horn provides a blueprint for coping with the challenges of chronic illness. Each chapter includes a discussion of the issue at hand, practical and very doable suggestions for getting back in control and interviews with women who live with a variety of chronic illnesses. In order to help you make the theory real for your own life, Danea also includes journal exercises to help you think about how you deal with chronic illness and reframe this so you can live in a more stress-free way. As I was reading the book, I nodded in recognition to...