I've been a Lost fan since the first episode, compelled and captured by the action, the ensemble cast, the interlacing stories only partially explained in flashbacks, the struggle between the rational and faith represented in Jack Shepard and John Locke (and since Jack has always irritated the crap out of me, Locke won by default. He is also sexier than Jack, who to me at least, has the sex appeal of a wrung-out dishrag) and although I've more than occasionally wished for it is a bit more lighting of the night scenes because I can't see what's going on, even that just added to the charm. I've loved that they're not afraid to kill people (although I wasn't a fan of Nikki and Paolo’s demise - it seemed unnecessarily mean and cruel), I’ve loved the mysterious plane, Jacob's cabin, Ben, Juliet and the Others, Sawyer wandering around without a shirt, all bad boy in need of a good woman to love him and the Smoke Monster. Let's not forget the Smoke Monste...