It's a very festive week, what with Canada Day yesterday and Independence Day on Thursday. Clearly, something needed to be done to celebrate. And I know just the thing…

A free download!

Several years ago, I entered a memoir contest held by Homemakers magazine, a terrific little magazine that I faithfully read every month for several decades. Belying its domestic title, it was one of the most progressive and feminist magazines in Canada for a really long time. Also, it had great recipes. And in 2007, a memoir contest.

Much to my delight, I won second place and for years, you could read my memoir on their website. Alas, Homemakers recently disappeared from the Canadian magazine market, much missed in my family and among many other women my age. So now that Unbound no longer has a home on the web, it was time to do something else with it.

And here it is.

Unbound is the story of my childhood with juvenile arthritis. It is a story of loss of ability, the isolation that comes with illness in childhood, but above all, it is a story of how I found freedom and independence.

Unbound is free and is available as a PDF for download here.


knittingyoyo said…
Wow! Thanks for the download. Everyone should read this.
Bonnie said…
I loved reading this. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Anonymous said…
Beautifully written, Lene, conveying wonderful insight and perspective. Thank you
AlisonH said…
Wow. Cool. Go Lene!
Anonymous said…
Brilliant!!! Thank you Lene!
Lene, what an inspired and beautiful memoir! You made me cry, then smile in gladness for you. And reading your story reminded me to be grateful and stay hopeful for the future. What a lovely way to celebrate Canada Day and US Independence Day!
Did I say thank you? No? Well, THANK YOU! :D
Tabbytown said…
Thank you SO MUCH for this. My disease is up and down but I know a powerchair is in my future at some point. I need to think of it as freedom like you.
Bradinsc said…
Thanks Lene
As usual your writing always touches and inspires me.

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